Hi Darts

Hi Darts

  • Android · iOS (tablet)
  • Client
  • Camaleon Systems
  • Year
  • 2018

Touchscreen tablet application for interactive darts games. It offers a wide variety of game modes and allows players to connect with others to organize synchronized matches and competitions simultaneously.

Hi Darts


Through synchronization between one or more players using the app on their devices, and by utilizing a specific dartboard designed for the app, information is transmitted in real time, allowing for a truly interactive gaming experience.

Hi Darts

Hi Darts offers a vast variety of available game modes. From the classic 301 and Cricket games to Around the Clock. With options for individual play, skill level, matches between friends, or tournaments.

Hi Darts

The app displays each player's turn and their corresponding score based on the selected game mode. With this feature, users can enjoy real-time matches and compete directly with their opponent.

Hi Darts Hi Darts
Hi Darts Hi Darts


At the end of a match or competition, users can see their ranking compared to other players in the same league, providing an overview of their performance and setting new personal goals.

Hi Darts


UI components are crafted for simplicity and functionality, ensuring clear interactions. Consistent use of typography, colors, and layout enhances usability and reinforces the brand's identity.

Hi Darts colors
Hi Darts typography